China Post Free Shipping Delivery Time

Free shipping is usually the most attractive choice to purchase anything online as everyone wants to reduce the cost they are paying for. This is especially true for small and cheap items that comes from China - because no body wants to pay shipping cost that potentially could exceed the amount of the cost of the item itself.

I purchased a lot of electronic items from China simply because they are the cheapest and of course i will find free shipping no matter what. However there is drawback of using free shipping because it is non-trackable and you can't locate it if there is anything happen to the package. Fortunately most of the item I've purchased on eBay are cheap and the sellers don't mind to issue refund when they don't arrived. So far all my experiences are good only a few like less than 5 that has not arrived and nearly hundreds them arrived safely although some of the item are not as good as advertised. Nonetheless those defect, fakes, and loss packets I've got my refund as expected because the sellers are afraid of getting bad ratings for their store just for a small / cheap thing like that. They know the value of their store reputation is way too far outweigh the value of those cheap item.

The reason I've prefer free shipping China post small packet airmail is because i know will get my refund for sure although they are not trackable. Secondly even if i used paid / registered air mail with tracking code the seller also cannot guarantee if the item will arrived in time as stated in their estimated ETA (Expected Time Arrival). There are too many uncontrollable circumstances along the way in shipping that is beyond the capacity of China post to handle. So if the paid registered air mail cannot guarantee the delivery time and the possibility of getting loss is pretty much the same as the untracked / unregistered air mail why need to choose the paid service. That's common sense. The only advantage of the paid registered air mail is only the tracking information is given but you have to pay for it.

In this case let's share our experience using the China Post small packet air mail unregistered / untrack by voting the delivery time it arrives based on experience for the benefit of everyone. Because we love free shipping!!

China Post Unregistered Delivery Time

2 Weeks
3 Weeks
1 Month
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
2 Month
Never arrived
quotes 2 know

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